A scarcity thought pattern has very real implications for how we communicate—we panic, we lose patience, we lose access to our own creativity. In Episode 3, we will talk about how to replace thoughts of scarcity with thoughts of abundance and sufficiency, while staying grounded in reality.

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If left unchecked, perfectionism can undo us as communicators. Episode 5 encourages the practice of replacing our drive to be *perfect* with the drive to truly *connect* with an audience. Communicating well means telling the truth of what you know as clearly as you can, in a way that helps people... it means connecting with the needs of an audience. In this episode, you will learn how to move out of the tyranny of perfectionism, and into the flow of connection.

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2017 was a year of indiscriminant literary hook ups… hardly the serial reading monogamy I usually engage in. I attribute this to some really poor book choices I made, which lead to me attempting (and then abandoning) way too many books. But despite the overabundance of meh storylines and one-night nightstand stands, there were some OMG reads scattered in there as well.

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