Friends!! After a nice long break in August, I’m back at it and this episode is a doozy. August was an “optional techonology”-free month. No Insta. No Facebook. Only email and text, and only when absolutely necessary. It was a WILD ride, people, and I love the way the episode turned out (give it a listen here). But if you haven’t had the time to listen or still cannot fathom how podcasts work (don’t be embarrassed.

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To me, the most terrifying, death-defying act I can possibly imagine isn’t bungie jumping or free solo climbing. It’s stand up comedy. It’s improv.

My guest this week is someone who teaches stand-up comedy and improv. But that’s not all he does. Meet Corey Rosen. Corey has hosted 105 live events for The Moth, including The Moth StorySlams and GrandSlams, since winning the first ever Bay Area Moth StorySlam in 2014.

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I’m a lifelong student of empathy—the art of stepping outside of myself long enough to understand someone else’s perspective without judgement. As this is a cornerstone of my work as a communication coach, you can imagine my delight when I got hold of a book called Applied Empathy: The New Language of Leadership, by Michael Ventura.

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