How to Use Your Voice: Part One

How to Use Your Voice: Part One

Hello, my friends!

It’s been a minute!

I’ve been in deeeeep work mode on client projects, necessitating a petite pause on the podcast over the past several weeks. But I’m back in the saddle, and this week’s episode is a special one, as I am rolling solo.

I recently had a conversation with someone whose words continue to echo in my mind. She said,

“I am sick and tired of not using my voice.”

This is someone who is wise, brilliant, and accomplished. And yet … she put words to a common frustration we just don’t talk about enough.

We talk a lot about “finding” your voice, but we don’t often talk about how to use that voice once you’ve found it. This episode is practical, powerful, and lovingly crafted for anyone who struggles to speak up when the time calls for it.


How to set yourself up for real change … and move towards lasting transformation [3:08]

How to get clear about what, specifically, triggers you into silence … and why this clarity matters. [7:29]

How to deal with (and outfox) your fear of having alllll those faces staring back at you. [15:18]

How to stop cringing at the sound of your own voice. [22:15]

There’s OH so much more, but those were especially juicy.

This will be the first of a multi-episode series … there’s a LOT to say. 😉

As always, shine on my friend. We need your light!

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