Horses vs Zebras : How to be Authentic Without Losing Your Audience.

Horses vs Zebras : How to be Authentic Without Losing Your Audience.

Someone recently asked me for advice, and their question resonated with me:

“I worry that I’m not always taken seriously, because my authentic self is too playful for certain people … especially the Board.

A long time ago, a client put it this way:

“How’s a zebra supposed to hang with a bunch of horses without feeling like a freak?”

As a rainbow striped zebra myself, I get it. It begs the question: 

How can we be authentic without losing our audience?

This is one of my favorite questions! 

And here’s my take: If we’re in a situation where we need to connect and be taken seriously, we have to be willing to meet people where they are. Even if it’s not where we are.

To my client, I said, “Oh, zebra, my zebra. I hear you. But the opportunity is to be like a horse long enough for the board to trust you and your competence. Then you can show more stripes as you go. Before you know it, you’ll be able to be fully striped. But not before you earn their trust.”

Here’s what I know to be true: meeting people where they are is NOT about being inauthentic. It IS about being of service by meeting people exactly where they are, and giving them exactly what they need.

Here’s your thought experiment for the week:

If you are a zebra and feel rejected by the horse peeps, try meeting them where they are. Give them what they need, and do it with excellence.

You may be surprised by just how quickly they learn to love your stripes.

Shine on, my friend.


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