What If You Decided to Play Big? My Interview with Dr. Chris Heilman

What If You Decided to Play Big? My Interview with Dr. Chris Heilman

Extreme sports and elite athletes have always fascinated me. How do they do what they do? How do they talk themselves into finishing a 50 mile race? How do you help coach a climber through a moment of terror on the side of a mountain? How important is meditation? And is that the same thing as mindset? Dr. Chris Heilman is a coach who joins us to answer these questions. Dr. Chris has a PhD in Sport and Exercise Psychology and a double board-certification as an Athletic Trainer (ATC) and a Strength and Conditioning Coach (CSCS) and she’s been an athletic trainer to collegiate and Olympic athletes. She’s written a book called Elevate Your Excellence: The Mindset and Methods That Make Champions. But she’s also done cool stuff like worked as an outdoor educator in Joshua Tree, did ski patrol at Grand Targhee, and was a backpack guide for NOLS & other organizers in the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Tetons. She’s here to answer these questions and more on this week’s episode.

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